Stall Prom Trading

Prior to its merger with natural resources company , Stall-prom was a global leader in the metals and mining sector, and a major exporter of HMS,USEDRAIL,WHEAT,CEMENT of Russian origin,Stall-prom is also connected with the leading Coal Mining Company in Russia. Which produces over 1 million tonnes of high quality coal per year from sites in Russian regions for frequent supply of high quality coal all over the globe.

Shareholder growth was derived from a large portfolio of assets, diversified by commodity and by country, together with Stall-prom's quality operations and managerial acumen. Headquartered in Moscow, Stall-prom employed some 30,000 people worldwide, with major operations and development projects in Asia, North and South America, European countries.

Our professionalism is best exemplified by our detail-oriented, well-trained, and knowledgeable personnel. Empowering our people allows our corporation to achieve maximum efficiency and support our customers with reliable and consistent products. Our commitment to people, quality, and environmental responsibility helps differentiate us from our competition. Systematic management of assets, economies of scale, and market opportunities ensure our success in the world marketplace. We encourage our determined, willing, and able-bodied work force to reach beyond the traditional ways of doing business.

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